Lately, Blake really loves to scribble on the couch, on the walls, and sometimes paper. So last night I opened the new box of crayons, he received at his birthday party, from great uncle Thomas. He was very excited. Though he has coloring and activity books,he wanted to write in my sketch journal. Its one of those little 5x4 fat spiral books. Light bulb goes off, and I go and get him one of the regular composition spiral books. He was happy.
I set him up at the end table, in his high chair and away he goes. Scribbles, scribbles, scribbles. Afterwards I found he did 3 pages plus the back cover. After he was finished coloring, he puts all his crayons away, except one, and hands me the package. I say "Blake where is the other one, one is missing, where is it'? He mumbles something that I cant understand. I look around and discover its the white one tha'ts missing. I retrieve it from the floor and hand it to Blake to put into the box. He takes the crayon, looks down at his master piece and throws it on the floor, again mumbling something. I pick it up again, and see that he had tried to color with this white crayon bearing down extremely hard,, with no results. Then second light bulb goes off. He was trying to tell me that one was broken and it didn't work so he doesn't want it in his box. I could see his little brain thinking jeez mom, cant you see that one is broken.
Awww...that is the sweetest story!! He is soo smart! That sounds like a good story and pick to scrapbook! lol
(the other B)
How cute is that! Kids say and do the cutest things! boys hate the white crayon too...they can't understand it's purpose. And I LOVE the new look!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is JUST the SWEETEST STORY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Sounds like the perfect story to scrap! I had a lot of stories like that, all of them which I thought I'd remember forever, but it just doesn't work that way ... my memory is quite selective about what it remembers and what not, and it seems I have nothing or little to say about it, so be sure to write it all down my friend! Good thing you write these things on your blog ... I should start doing that too, make my blog a little bit more personal. I have been hesitant about doing that, I don't know why, maybe because I'm thinking nobody might be interested ... not even my parents read my blog :-(.
xxx Peggy
I like the new look. Love the new banner too.
First off I LOVE THE LOOK of the Blog!!!! It is Fantastic!!!! The story of Blake is just wonderful, how cute....he didn't want to broken one in his box and oh well it was the white one anyway!!!
Again I must ask...can I have Blake for a little while? I promise to give you liberal! He is THE cutest!!! I'm with Peggy. Glad you are blogging these wonderful little stories. You won't regret it!
HAHAHA. that story just made my day!!!! adorable. i love how kids think. :)
anyway, i think the new look looks pretty good. can't wait to see what you decide though! hehe.
That's a sweet story... :-) Love the new look, Cathy.
One to scrap for sure!! This is funny too one for the book!!! I love your Blog and your new look too. Love ya MOM
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